Hand with dollop of ZORYVE foam on fingertip
Once-daily & steroid-free, for patients down to 6 years old



Actor portrayal


vIGA-AD Success

Clear/Almost Clear

Primary endpoint

vIGA-AD Success
at Week 4

2Xas many patients achieved vIGA-AD Success at Week 4 with ZORYVE vs vehicle (31% vs 14%)2,3

Significantly more patients
achieved vIGA-AD Success
as early as Week 12,3*

31% of patients achieved vIGA-AD Success at Week 4 with ZORYVEVehicle (n=453)ZORYVE (n=884)P<0.0001, nominal.% OF PATIENTS ACHIEVING vIGA-AD SUCCESSWEEK 1WEEK 2WEEK 431%2%0204060801007%20%6%14%
31% of patients achieved vIGA-AD Success at Week 4 with ZORYVEP<0.0001, nominal.Vehicle (n=453)% OF PATIENTS ACHIEVING vIGA-AD SUCCESSWEEK 1WEEK 2WEEK 431%2%0204060801007%20%6%14%ZORYVE (n=884)

*Data are pooled analyses of the INTEGUMENT 1 & 2 studies.

vIGA-AD Success = Achievement of a vIGA-AD Score of Clear/Almost Clear and a ≥2-grade improvement from baseline.

Secondary endpoint

Clear/Almost Clear
at Week 4

Nearly2Xas many patients had Clear or Almost Clear skin at Week 4 with ZORYVE vs vehicle (41% vs 21%)2,3

Significantly more patients
achieved Clear/Almost Clear
skin as early as Week 12,3*

41% of patients were Clear or Almost Clear at Week 4 with ZORYVEP<0.0001, nominal.% OF PATIENTS ACHIEVING vIGA-AD of 0 or 1WEEK 1WEEK 2WEEK 402040608010014%6%30%12%41%21%Vehicle (n=453)ZORYVE (n=884)
41% of patients were Clear or Almost Clear at Week 4 with ZORYVEP<0.0001, nominal.ZORYVE (n=884)Vehicle (n=453)% OF PATIENTS ACHIEVING vIGA-AD of 0 or 1WEEK 1WEEK 2WEEK 402040608010014%6%30%12%41%21%

*Data are pooled analyses of the INTEGUMENT 1 & 2 studies.


vIGA-AD = 3

Baseline photo of a clinical trial patient’s popliteal fossa before treatment and Week 4 photo of a clinical trial patient’s popliteal fossa on ZORYVE


vIGA-AD = 1

Actual clinical trial patient

9 in 10 patients
had improvements in clinical signs at Week 46

Most patients had improved EASI scores with ZORYVE monotherapy at Week 4

92% of patients had improved EASI scores at Week 4 with ZORYVEAlmost half achieved EASI-759 out of 10 had any EASI improvement10% achieved complete response100% OF PATIENTSEASI-50EASI-75EASI-90EASI-100Any EASI Improvement45%§22%§10%||92%§69%§010203040506070809077%44%21%9%5%§P<0.0001 vs vehicle, nominal. ||P<0.002 vs vehicle, nominal.
92% of patients had improved EASI scores at Week 4 with ZORYVE10% achieved complete responseAlmost halfachieved EASI-759 out of 10 had any EASI improvementEASI-50EASI-75EASI-90EASI-100Any EASI Improvement% OF PATIENTS45%§22%§10%||92%§69%§010203040506070809010077%44%21%9%5%§P<0.0001 vs vehicle, nominal. ||P<0.002 vs vehicle, nominal.ZORYVE (n=816)Vehicle (n=419)

See itch relief data

Pooled EASI response rates of the INTEGUMENT 1 & 2 studies. Analysis provides a summary of EASI improvement for every patient in INTEGUMENT 1 & 2. EASI response rates are defined as percentage of patients with improved EASI scores from baseline to Week 4. EASI scores evaluate the following atopic dermatitis symptoms: erythema, skin thickness (induration, papulation, swelling), excoriations, lichenification, and percentage of region affected.

EASI = Eczema Area and Severity Index. EASI-50 = 50% reduction in EASI score from baseline. EASI-75 = 75% reduction in EASI score from baseline. EASI-90 = 90% reduction in EASI score from baseline. EASI-100 = 100% reduction in EASI score from baseline.

See itch relief data